FeSuMa 2.0
FeSuMa® (Fermi Surface Mapper) is an electron spectrometer for studying the electronic structure of materials. The concept of the instrument is based on the utilization of the different unit of information than in conventional analyzers – the 2D angular distribution. This means that the angular distribution corresponding to the electrons within the narrow energy interval on the Fermi level can be detected at once, providing directly and immediately the high-resolution Fermi surface map. The energy distribution can be obtained by differentiating the sequence of the maps recorded at different threshold energies. See the principle of operation explained here.*

- 3D Fermi surfaces of the single-crystalline solids
- low-energy electronic structure
- quality control of MBE-grown thin films.
Advantages of FeSuMa:
- suitable for any laser, laboratory- or synchrotron-based focused monochromatic light source without higher orders
- quick acquisition times
- no necessity to manipulate the sample position or electron beam for the measurements of Fermi surface
- isotropic angular resolution
- optical control of the sample quality
- high precision power supplies
- data acquisition directly from Igor Pro software
- compact design.

Four lens modes:
- Fourier mode 32°, angular resolution ~0.2°
- Fourier mode 28°, angular resolution <0.2°
- Fourier mode 16°, angular resolution <0.2°
- Direct mode, spatial resolution ~30 mu.
*Patented in Germany, US, Japan and China. Patent pending in EU.