
„mini-ARPES“ is the complete solution for the laboratory-based or synchrotron-based angle-resolved photoemission experiments equipped with FeSuMa 2.0 and NorFi cryo-manipulator. It features the following components:
- FeSuMa 2.0 (Fermi Surface Mapper)
- Computer System
- NorFi (Normal Finder) sample cryomanipulator
- Focused High Intensity VUV source
- UHV mu-metal Chamber
- Load Lock
- Transfer System
- Vacuum Gauges
- Vacuum Components
- Pumping System for the Chamber and the Light Source
- Supporting Frame
- Water cooling system
- Electronics Rack

- Kinetic energy range of FeSuMa: 0.5 eV – 100 eV
- Working distance: 36 mm
- Three Fourier modes: 32°, 28°, 16°
- Direct mode lens acceptance: 36°
- Angular acceptance with bias voltage: up to 50°-55°
- Angular resolution in Fourier modes – better than 0.2° for < 0.5 mm sample
- Overall energy resolution demonstrated so far is 12 meV ( single crystal at 3K, Fourier 28° mode, hν=6 eV )
- 2D spatial resolution in direct mode <30 μm.
- Effective detector area > 99%
- Bakeable to 150 °C
- Initial cooldown time 15 min
- Nominal temperature stability (with controller) 50 mK
- Base temperature < 8K
- Spot diameter < 300 μm
- Line width (HeI) < 3 meV